bilibili is a streaming app for Android devices that allows you to enjoy a wide variety of high-definition anime and other types of video content. With an intuitive interface and advanced features, bilibili is the best platform for anime fans. Download the free bilibili APK and access its extensive library of TV series and movies in the best quality.
Anime in high definition
bilibili offers an extensive collection of HD anime, allowing you to access your favorite series and movies in the highest quality. The platform includes both popular titles and hidden gems, ensuring that there is always something for everyone. To find the content you want to watch, you can use the search engine, browse the app's suggestions, or use the category system, where you will see a wide variety of options sorted by topic. In addition to anime, bilibili features a diverse selection of video and creative content, including music, games, tech and gameplays. Explore a world of possibilities and discover new and exciting content from creators around the world.
A global community of fans
The app has a global community of fans you can interact with via comments, forums, and other social media. Thanks to this social feature, you can share your opinions, join discussions, and connect with people who share similar interests. In addition, you can follow whoever you like so that you don't miss out on any content they post.
Live broadcasts and special events
The platform also offers live broadcasts and special events to enjoy in real-time. These broadcasts might be gaming sessions, concerts, talks, or something else, providing a live, interactive entertainment experience.
Exclusive content and early releases
bilibili frequently offers exclusive content and early releases, allowing you to enjoy new episodes and series before they are available on other platforms. This makes bilibili an attractive option for anime fans who want to keep up with their favorite series.
Download bilibili for free and access a vast library of anime in high definition, varied content, and an interactive community where you can comment on your favorite episodes.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 7.0 or higher required
Frequent questions
Can I sign up for bilibili if I don't live in China?
Yes, you can sign up for bilibili even if you don't live in China. When you sign up, you'll be asked for a phone number to confirm registration, but you can use one from outside of China.
Can I use bilibili if I don't live in China?
bilibili content is restricted by region. To use the app, it's a good idea to download one of the VPNs on Uptodown and activate it, after which you can enjoy all kinds of content without any geographical restrictions.
How many anime series are there on bilibili?
bilibili currently offers more than 500 different anime series. The platform began as a pirating site for anime, and now it's one of the largest streaming platforms. Much of the anime it offers is self-produced.
this app is very important to me
love it😍😇
so nice